Fear does not stop death, it stops life

“Fear does not stop death, it stops life”

We are afraid to die. To give up. To leave our loved ones behind. We are afraid to be mortal.
We are afraid to accept the truth that life goes on with or without us. I believe that we have two options.

Option 1 is that we allow fear to dominate our thoughts and our actions. Fear overcomes our ability to view our circumstances clearly and to move forward. We are afraid of what lies ahead and so, we refuse to go there.
Option 2 is that fear is an emotion that we can process and release. It only has power if we allow it. We are an emotional culture. We choose our path based on what feels good and avoid situations that make us uncomfortable. Identifying the cause of our fear and validating that it is a real emotion creates an opportunity to overcome the emotion, rather than being paralyzed by it.

I am human. I am mortal. I am afraid, but fear does not stop my life. It pushes me forward to be brave enough to face my circumstances and live my life the way I choose.

Be brave and bold, face the fear and overcome. We love and support your journey…

With a grateful and humble heart,

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