
Why Give?

Donations are a vital part of the development of Endless Journey Hospice Care, Inc..  The funds received will assist in the development of services not covered by Medicare, Medicaid or primary insurance including medications.  Additional services will be provided as requested by the client and/or family.

Donated funds will be utilized to provide:

  • Services to the clients without insurance or means to afford end of life care.  These clients will not be refused service and will benefit from your generosity.
  • Endless Journey will assist in alleviating the financial burden of final arrangements. Those in need of financial support may access grant funds and/or benefits offered through the Veterans Administration. Social Work support is available to assist/complete this process.
  • There are also benefits of non-pharmacological interventions and holistic approaches that are recognized and offered at no cost. These additional services nourish clients’ minds, bodies, and spirits and include but are not limited to: pet and music therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, dietary consultations/alterations, reiki, healing touch, aromatherapy, etc.


The vision of Endless Journey Hospice Care, Inc. is to provide a home environment for our clients in need of skilled nursing care in a comfortable environment.  As our dream realizes we will begin construction of The House.  This residential setting will be capable of caring for 12 clients and their families.  The new construction will boast a chapel, meditation center, state of the art culinary space, infinity spring water pool, gardens, and additional amenities.  Your donations will expedite the groundbreaking of this facility.


Community outreach and education are vital to changing the world view of hospice service.  Hospice is a choice and should be offered as an alternative to aggressive treatment.  In our experience it is common to hear the client and family say that they wish they had taken advantage of hospice earlier in the journey.  Your donations will reach the public, medical community and the residential facilities through in-services, seminars, pamphlets, brochures etc.

How To Give

We sincerely appreciate your generosity and are confident that together we can impact the perception of hospice.

Donations may be made via the website with a credit or debit card, and/or a personal or cashier check made payable to:

Endless Journey Hospice Care, Inc.
10831 Old Mill Road, Suite 400
Omaha NE 68154

Your tax-deductible receipt of the donation will be mailed to you directly as requested.

Due to the sensitivity of donations made in excess of $5000 we graciously request that these be submitted in check form in person or via mail. Thank you.

Donor Wall

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