We Honor Veterans

"Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country's cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause."

We Honor Veterans

Endless Journey is proud to be a We Honor Veterans partner in the Hospice Veterans partnership. We take our commitment to our veterans seriously. We recognize that for many of our veterans and their families, their military service changed them for life and that this matters as they approach the end of life.

We are the FIRST and only Level 5 We Honor Veterans in Nebraska.

We Honor You

The We Honor Veterans program takes a two-pronged approach to embracing the military veterans we serve. First, we intend to RECOGNIZE our veterans. We recognize them as veterans and that their service matters. Among other ways, we do this through honoring them in an intimate pinning ceremony intended to provide a simple yet meaningful thank you. Second, we intend to SERVE Our veterans and their families in helping them to gain access to the benefits they deserve, to provide veteran-competent end-of-life medical care with knowledge of how various military theater and service periods impact the health of veterans at this point of care – including but not limited to service-related injuries, PTSD and traumatic brain injury. All of our staff and volunteers are trained to understand and appreciate the difference military service makes in the lives of our veterans and their families.