Our Clients

Our clients are our family and it is our mission to support clients in every stage of life who are facing terminal diagnoses.


The life of a terminally ill child is filled with doctors, hospitals, needles, tests, and treatments which can result in painful and scary experiences. Children need medicine and the necessary treatment for their illness, however they also need special care when these are no longer effective.

woman holding babies hand pediatric our clients Endless Journey Hospice Omaha Nebraska
woman laying to hospice bed adult our clients Endless Journey Hospice Omaha Nebraska


Adult hospice services are typically offered by a physician who has determined that the client has an incurable disease or that aggressive treatment options are no longer curative. The client and family may choose to pursue the hospice option instead of aggressive treatment at any time after a terminal diagnosis has been determined.


Geriatric hospice services are offered to clients in their homes, independent/assisted living facilities and the skilled nursing home setting. The client is determined eligible for services based upon a diagnosis of terminal illness and/or the change in an illness that affects their predicted life expectancy. 

elderly couple sitting by window geriatric our clients Endless Journey Hospice Omaha Nebraska